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Anchoring the west end of the Sweet Auburn historic district, the Auburn Avenue Research Library on African American Culture and History (AARL) opened May 1994 in Atlanta. A special library of the Fulton County Library System (FCLS) formerly the Atlanta Fulton Public Library System (AFPLS), it is the first public library in the Southeast to offer specialized reference and archival collections dedicated to the study and research of African American culture and history and of other peoples of African descent. The library was temporarily closed for two years and re-opened in 2016 after $20 million worth of renovations.


The Auburn Avenue Research Library on African American Culture and History promotes specialized library service, archival resources, and culturally/educationally related activities essential for study and use by the general public, students, and scholars of the culture and history of peoples of African descent.


The Auburn Avenue Research Library consists of three divisions: Reference and Research, Archives, and Programming. The Reference and Research Division maintains a variety of textual and microform records, a non-circulating library of secondary sources, and a broad array of Web-accessible research databases for the study of African American culture and history and the African Diaspora. There, reference staff serves the public on-site, as well as off-site through e-mail, mail, and telephone inquiries.

The Archives Division makes available unique historical records of enduring value related primarily to African American culture and history, with a concentration on local Atlanta history. These primary sources include not only textual and special media records (cartographic records, graphic arts, still photographs, sound recordings, and moving images), but also art and artifacts, microforms, rare books, and textiles.  Archives staff assist patrons on-site in the archives reading room and make collections accessible remotely through finding aids and digitized collections.

The Programming Division supports the library's mission and serves the public through book discussions and readings, exhibitions, film screenings, lectures, seminars, tours, and workshops. The facility accommodates these activities on the main level —through an auditorium, two lecture spaces, and three gallery spaces. Through its cultural, educational, and scholarly programming—which is local, national, and transnational in scope—the program division helps interpret and highlight the institution's rich collections and provides outreach to the general public, as well as to Atlanta's academic community.



Book Lists @ AARL

Women's Voices, Civil Choices

This collection highlights and celebrates the strength and unity of African American women in their fight for civil rights.

Black Resistance

This Readers' Advisory explores the various contexts of black resistance and activism across Africa and the African Diaspora.

The Power of Student Protest

The young foot soldiers of US social movements who bravely battled against injustice are honored and recognized in this readers' advisory.

Unwrap the flavor of African American Traditions

Discover the rich flavors of African American cuisine through this carefully selected collection of titles by AARL.




The Auburn Avenue Research Library does not have access to free parking. The lot associated with the Auburn Avenue Research Library is fee-based.

Though the Auburn Avenue Research Library does have paid parking available, the number of parking spots for visitors is limited. There are various paid parking lots in the vicinity of the Library.

Upon paying for your parking, please be sure to read the instructions on the meters carefully - select the appropriate time frame and insert the correct amount required as the meter does not dispense change.


The Library is not responsible for:

Any violations (ticketing or booting) associated with illegally parking in the lot. All matters related to these issues must be brought to the attention of the parking lot managing company (contact information is on the ticket).


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Auburn Avenue Research Library Limited Edition Library Card

The Fulton County Library System has release of a limited special edition library card designed by award-winning artist Charly Palmer.
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