Baby Talk Newsletter January 2022

Baby Talk: Resources to Support the People Who Work with Infants and Toddlers
Issue No. 117  January 2022
Baby Talk Newsletter January 2022 pdf

Baby Talk is a free, one-way listserv that is distributed monthly. Each issue features high quality, readily available, and free resources. Resources in Spanish are highlighted in the pdf; in this blog post resources in Spanish are in green. All or part of Baby Talk may be freely shared or copied. To subscribe to Baby Talk, or for more information, please contact Camille Catlett at

Promoting Inclusion in Infant and Toddler Settings

Rebecca Parlakian’s article summarizes benefits of quality inclusion along with guidance for planning and implementing opportunities for the access, full participation, and support of each and every child. Read more at

What’s Brushing Got to Do With It? Lots!

We all know how important it is to teach children the importance of dental hygiene at a young age, but did you know decisions made during pregnancy can greatly impact a child's future dental health? Access the Parent's Guide to Dental Health from Pregnancy to Young Adulthood for insights on dental hygiene during these years at

Talking with Toddlers

Toddler communication is its own special language, one that isn’t always intuitive for parents. The author of this column asked experts what family members and caregivers can do to make talking to toddlers more effective and less fraught. As the mother of an almost-three-year-old, she was pretty eager to hear what they had to say. When talking to toddlers, the way you communicate is just as important as what you’re trying to say, as summarized in this article:

When Do Babies Start to Remember Their Childhood?

A new study reveals people are able to recall memories from events that occurred when they were two-and-a-half years old. The findings counter previous research, which reported the earliest memories usually form after the age of three and a half. Learn more at

What Do Newborns Learn From Watching You?

Newborns actively observe their caregivers and try to imitate their movements. Newborns do more than just "eat, sleep, and poop," as it turns out. A new research study found that babies 0-3-months-old benefit from observing caregivers handling everyday objects and from early interactions. Learn more at

Parents Help Children With Language

Language delays are the most common type of developmental setback. The COVID pandemic has made it more challenging for children to receive the outside support they need. But this article and video, in English and Spanish, reports on how parents can help their children flourish.


This award-winning animated short film is about love, life, and the power of music.