Looking for your next read? Check out The Pull of the Stars by Emma Donoghue, reviewed by Fulco Library staff, Ellen B.
Nurse Julia Powers works tirelessly in war torn Ireland with expectant mothers who are infected by the terrible flu that has taken hold of the country and the world. Two people enter her world and have lasting consequences: Dr. Kathleen Lynn, a rare female doctor and a rumored rebel to boot and Bridie Sweeney, a volunteer at the hospital who is so poor that the warmth and stability of the hospital provide untold comforts to her. New life is brought in and some lives end over the 3 days of this novel. This book speaks to the incredible responsibilities of being a mother, having a career and trying to balance the two, as far back as the early twentieth century. Emma Donoghue brings the hospital ward to life as no one else can.
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