Below you will find resources for the North Fulton Service Area.
Gateway Center Coordinated Entry
- Gateway Center provides Coordinated Entry Services provide a single point of access to the housing continuums for the City of Atlanta and Fulton County. Gateway Center also provides shelter resources and referrals.
Coordinated Entry Services | Gateway Center (, opens a new window
North Fulton Community Charities
- NFCC assists individuals and families in financial need in North Fulton. They provide food, financial resources and job readiness assistance.
Community Assistance Center
- Community Assistance Center provides basic needs assistance for neighbors to prevent homelessness and hunger while promoting self-sufficiency and empowering them to thrive.
The mission of Star-C Programs is to reduce resident transiency in affordable housing communities and nearby schools, provide academic support for children and ultimately improve the quality of life for the individual and the neighborhood.
Work Source- North Fulton
WorkSource Metro Atlanta is designed to provide personalized guidance for your unique situation and job skills.
Senior Services for North Fulton
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