Explore Native American Heritage in Georgia
Updates on electronic resources available from Fulco Libraries
Winter Wonderland Storytime
A special snow-themed storytime with books, songs, and rhymes.
Download Holiday Drive eAudiobooks
Weekly updates on electronic resources from Fulton County Library System
November Kindergarten Read-A-Louds
Stories about being thankful and grateful, as well as celebrating family and friendships.
Get a Library Card
Sign up for a temporary card to get access to the library's digital resources and e-collection today!
Ask a Librarian
Ask a question online or text (404) 949-1025. New Ask-a-Librarian hours are now available!
Digital Library
Free access to e-books, audiobooks, learning tools, online research tools, and more!
Subscribe to the eNewsletter
Subscribe to get the latest updates on what’s happening at our library.
Central Conversations: January 2025 Edition
In this edition of Central Conversations, our book selections are centered on three distinct themes. With the start of a new year, many are…
Central Conversations: Fall/Winter 2024
We are excited here at Central Library to bring you another selection of books for the latest Central Conversations video. This time, we'll…
Central Conversations: New Beginnings
Central Library is excited to highlight a selection of books centered on the theme of New Beginnings.
If you are an Atlanta Public Schools student or employee, you have access to many resources at Fulco Library using your APS ID number.
Support the Library
The work of the Foundation is made possible through the generosity of individuals and corporations who believe in the power of libraries.
Volunteer with Fulco Library
Learn how to support your library by volunteering today!
Checking Out Fulco Library Podcast
Stop by the Checking Out Fulco Library podcast to discover a behind the scenes look at the Library and the Literary world around it.
Free access to e-books, audiobooks, learning tools, online research tools, and more!
Overdrive and the Libby App
Our popular eBook & eAudiobook platform provides access to adult fiction and non-fiction through your web browser or the Libby app.
Hoopla is the platform to use if you read or watch movies. Download the app to your favorite device and enjoy an audiobook.
Fulton County Library offers students in grades K-12 with unlimited, on-demand access to free academic support through Paper.
Our most popular streaming and downloadable music platform is easy to use!
Overdrive and the Libby App
Our popular eBook & eAudiobook platform provides access to adult fiction and non-fiction through your web browser or the Libby app.
Hoopla is the platform to use if you read or watch movies. Download the app to your favorite device and enjoy an audiobook.
Fulton County Library offers students in grades K-12 with unlimited, on-demand access to free academic support through Paper.
Our most popular streaming and downloadable music platform is easy to use!
Featured Tweet
Auburn Avenue Research Library Limited Edition Library Card
The Fulton County Library System has release of a limited special edition library card designed by award-winning artist Charly Palmer.
Ask a question online or text (404) 949-1025.
New Ask-a-Librarian hours are now available!
Mon/Tues: 10am-8pm
Wed-Sat: 10am-6pm