What is your favorite Dr. Seuss book? I'll give you time for your considered opinion.
However, it is hard to pick just one. It's difficult for me because I still find them so much fun to read. What I also like is that I can be a silly adult when I read a Dr. Seuss book out loud! Also, children do not care if they hear a silly adult reading from such a book. When that happens, kids can't control their faces: and they always start to smile! How many things can cause that reaction? Not many.
So, on March 2nd, we will celebrate the 2021 Read Across America Day and plan a takeover of books written by Dr. Seuss, as we observe his birthday. Visit the website to catch a lot of folks letting you in on just how cool they are as they read aloud all day long from favorite tales of the Seuss variety; or, as they hold up a copy of their fav one!
Next, after that big event day, turn your attention to Women's History Month, celebrated for the entire 31 days of March. Each year, and every day, women are celebrated for the totality of their numerous contributions in every corner of the world.
Say hello to, and thank, every woman who has been an integral part of your life. At the Library, read about famous, and not so famous women; and find out how breaking the glass ceiling has so many meanings.
As always, there will be book talks; readings; book lists to consider; and streaming programs online at the Library. Think about a few women you wish you might have the chance to sit down with over a cup of coffee or tea, and just chat. Who are those women? Why do you find them interesting? Who are some of your favorite female writers of today; or, of the classics?
Perhaps you prefer some of the women now writing opinion pieces in major magazines and newspapers; or you like, as I do, to read biographies and autobiographies. Remember, you can find all of that at the Library, online or in print. Your library card opens the world of women's thoughts, works and deeds. Be amazed. Tell others about the history of women. And remember, there is a bright future for women around the globe who will make their marks in meaningful ways.
To all the young women who sometimes feel they may not reach that plateau, may not scale that mountain, may not set sail, and may not soar; just remember that a steady wind is all you need. It has to do with motion. Look around; invest in yourself; read everything you can find; and forge your own path.
All of that is true for everyone, both women and men. Women have just found it harder to reach consistency. Think back; was it a woman who read to you from your very first Dr. Seuss book? Perhaps.
Happy March!
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