Directors Blog – May 2024

May is sometimes like the Kickstarter of vacations, summer outings, and time away from school. It seems to put us on a trajectory of possibilities. We realize we are most likely in for hot days and not-so-cool nights. But a sense of fun, just waiting for us, can bring smiles to our faces.

Often, I think back to memories of lazy hours relaxing in the porch swing at the home of my favorite great aunt; and of the days my grandmother would come early in the morning and stay all day, “keeping” us, while our parents worked. She never failed to talk about me having my head in a book. She’d shake her head, laugh a bit, glance at the cover of the book, and walk on to the kitchen, where she made great lunches. I guess, in many ways, those were the good old days; before tons of responsibilities set in.

Perhaps you have fun memories of graduations, weddings, and other life-altering changes that seem to start in May of each year. Although consistent hot days are just starting the run toward summer, it is upon us. As always, you are invited to come into the libraries and sit, read, check out materials, and attend programs, events, and meetings. We don’t have a swing set, but the settings are inviting.

Tell someone about the libraries. Bring a few folks with you and then treat them to lunch. You may want to go down memory lane to those days in May when life took a slower turn and all sorts of adventures lay ahead. We’ll be looking for you at your local library!


~ Gayle Holloman