Favorite Lists for 2023

It's the season for Top Ten lists! Below are links to lists of the books and media most loved by Fulco Library patrons in the last year. Want to know how to follow our list creators for all the best content from the library year round? Below the list of links is a how-to for using your library account to get alerts of the newest lists of complete series, author samplers, seasonal content, and more!

Most Popular Electronic Resources of Fulco Library 2023:

Top Ten eAudiobook Downloads of 2023

Top Ten eBook Downloads of 2023

Top Ten eMagazines of 2023

Top Ten Children's eVideos of 2023

Top Ten Creativebug Classes of 2023

Top Ten LinkedIn Classes of 2023

Top Ten Universal Classes of 2023

Top Ten eNewspapers of 2023

Other Most Popular Lists of 2023:

Most Popular Books of 2023 (includes checkout numbers of all formats)

Most Popular Fiction of 2023 (physical books only)

Most Popular Non-Fiction of 2023 (physical books only)

Most Popular Romances of 2023 (physical books only)

Most Popular Mysteries of 2023 (physical books only)

For Young Adults and Teens:

The 10 Most Popular Young Adult Books of 2023 (physical books only, excludes graphic novels)

The Most Popular Teen Fantasy Books of 2023 (physical books only)

The Most Popular Teen Graphic Novels of 2023 (physical books only)

The Most Popular Teen Mysteries and Thrillers of 2023 (physical books only)

For Children:

Most Popular Children's Books of 2023 (physical books only)

Most Popular Picture Books of 2023 (physical books only)

Log into your library website dashboard to favorite lists and follow list creators with the steps below!

Step 1. Click log in at the top right of the library web page. Step 2: Enter library card number and PIN/password. The default PIN/password is CHANGEME.

Step 3: Like lists you want to read by clicking hearts. Step 4: Click on list creators to follow all their lists.

Click follow on the list creator's page to see all their content!

Click on your account to access your library dashboard. Scroll down to see your favorite lists and new lists by creators you follow.