Online Book Club Options

Looking to connect with other readers? Fulton County Library System has a number of book club options for our patrons, including some that include input from the authors! This Tuesday, July 26th, Overdrive's Big Library Read wraps up their online book club with a live interview with author Audrey Blake. Click here to register for the live Q & A with Blake at 2pm EST on Tuesday, July 26.



If you missed out on the current Big Read, don't worry! You can join Online Book Club and vote with other patrons to select what to discuss. The next two selections are Carnegie's Maid and The Woman in the Library, both of which can be checked out with no wait through Freading ( the book lender for Online Book Club ), or Hoopla. Of course, if you want to go old school and get a copy of the book in physical format, just reserve one and pick up at your local library branch.