Winter Solstice, often referred to as the shortest day of the year, will occur at 10:58 AM on Tuesday, December 21st. Of course, you don't have to be Neil deGrasse Tyson to know that all days are the same length of time; what will happen on Winter Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere is that we'll experience the least amount of time with sunlight exposure to our atmosphere on this part of the planet.
Use Winter Solstice to explore Fulton County Library System's many online resources for authoritative information on the sciences, like Science Online, World Book, or attend college lectures at your leisure with classes like Introduction to Astrophysics.
Want to explore the cultural history of Winter Solstice? Search our catalog for downloadable books accessible to all age groups, including works like Skywatcher's Companion: Constellations and Their Mythology or Persephone: Greek Goddess of the Underworld. With Fulton County Library System, you'll never run out of things to read or watch, no matter how long the night.
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