Looking for your next read? Check out A Moon for Moe and Mo by Jane Breskin Zeblin, reviewed by Fulco Library staff, Adrienne D.
A Moon for Moe and Mo by Jane Breskin Zelben and illustrated by Mehrdokt Amini is a beautifully illustrated story of friendship and introduces children to the holidays of Rosh Hashanah and Ramadan.
Moses (Moe) Feldman is Jewish and Mohammed (Mo) Hassan is Muslim. They met in the grocery store and became best friends. As each was preparing for their respective religious holidays (Moe Rosh Hashanah and Mo Ramadan), their mothers decided to take them to the playground. The boys were so surprised to see each other and ran off together. Their mothers became worried when they called for them and didn’t respond. They were relieved when they found them. They decided to have a picnic together. Each brought a holiday treat. Mo brought date cookies and Moe brought Rugelach (pastry). Later that evening when the moon shone, each boy whispered to the moon Happy New Year or Happy Ramadan to the other one.
A Moon for Moe and Mo is available to place on hold. It is also available as an Ebook from Hoopla.
Check out A Moon for Moe and Mo on Hoopla, or from your branch's shelves with your library card today!
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