Looking for your next read? Check out Hats Are Not for Cats! by Jacqueline K. Rayner, reviewed by Fulco Library staff, Anne A.
What would you do if somebody told you that you could not wear hats? In this silly story a dog tells a cat that he cannot wear any type of hat because “Hats are not for cats.” The dog says that cats can’t wear pirate hats, party hats, frilly hats, or silly hats. Finally the cat gets frustrated with the dog’s remarks and yells, “Hats ARE for cats!” Then the cat tells the dog all the types of hats cats and everyone can wear. At end it’s decided that hats are for everyone. All the cats and dogs get out their favorite hat to wear. Everyone is happy.
This funny rhyming story is a great example of how ridiculous some rules can be. It also encourages kids to stand up to outrageous conventions and practices that discriminate against certain groups. Younger children will also enjoy the goofy pictures of animals in hats and funny rhymes throughout the story.
Hats Are Not For Cats! is available to be placed on hold and checked out at any branch. Borrow this amusing story today and read it wearing your favorite hat!
Check out Hats Are Not for Cats! on eReadKids, Hoopla, or from your branch's shelves with your library card today!
eReadKids: Hats Are Not for Cats! eBook, opens a new window
HooplaDigital: Hats Are Not for Cats! eBook (Always Available)
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